Digital Tools is a well-known blog for charming and inspiring things, including games, pixel-style, art, game design and inventive software.
Contact Martin Wisniowski: mw{at}node3000.com
Some older Testimonials (feel free to send me more recent ones!)
“The best blog I’ve discovered in weeks.”
Brandon Boyer, Offworld.com, 2009
“Martin’s short and eclectic articles bring together an impressive range of writing, from in-depth interviews with a wide range of developers, to technical inspirations normally found in the workshop of a mad clockmaker. His interests in the mechanical, retro, conceptual, and algorithmic, should inspire any fellow artist or creative mind to pursue their own unique development style.”
Chris Lepine, The Artful Gamer, 2008
Hommage: “Those lovely diagonal stripes perfectly match the 2008 summer season of my visual show. Add a slide movement to it, plus an acid character on the foreground and serve it to your audience. Thanks for the palette Martin!”
Clément C., Pikilipita, June 2008
E-Mail: mw{at}node3000.com
Internet: www.node3000.com
Phone: +49 (0) 221 276 12 545
Inhaltlich Verantwortlicher gemäß § 10 Absatz 3 MDStV:
Martin Wisniowski
Arminiustrasse 8
50679 Koeln
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[…] Blog about Game Design, Games and Computer Art BlogDownloads and TutorialsGamesInterviewsTheoryAbout us / We love you! Random […]
Posted on January 20th, 2010 at 16:25Great blog! I’m interested in your piece about gamification since I’m considering doing my thesis about that subject. Post me a message if you want to discuss further. All the best!
Posted on August 7th, 2011 at 21:44