The constantly brilliant netlabel Pause-Music goes on and on, pushing the boundaries. Alex Mauer is about to release his third album “Vegavox 2″. The special thing is, that the album will be actual released on NES carts.
“What you see in the video is the title screen and part of the first song. Each of the songs feature original artwork by Alex Mauer.”
In a recent interview Rich and Eirik from Pause talk about history, making and goals of the netlabel. Pause started PLUS some months ago. It is a special section on the netlabel, dedicated to game-soundtracks.
“Having been involved in the indie gaming scene for a number of years, and having enjoyed quite a few soundtracks from indie games, I just couldn’t see why there wasn’t a central site for that stuff. So when we made Pause I immediately thought that I wanted a section for that as well.”
How do they come up with all this awesome sound and artwork? Eirik: “I always try to be as strict as possible when deciding upon what to release or not. There’s so many netlabels out there, so in order to stand out I think you need to set the bar pretty high.” Rich: “If we both like it but aren’t crazy about it though, we probably won’t release it. We try to keep a high standard so that the things that we do release are really great. At least, in our biased opinions. And we ask that people send us finished or close to finished releases so that we know exactly what we’re working with.” This guys are outstanding.
[…] The chipmusic-heros from “Pause Music” do not leave us a pause. Their latest release meet as always the extremely high quality criteria (although this guys love to play it down). […]
Posted on July 14th, 2009 at 19:35