The intelligent toys series is a netaudio-compilation, that pushes the border of quality up, up, up. The 5th compilation of “Intelligent Toys” got massive music and extraordinary high quality artworks as well. Let’s start to dream with IDM, Ambient and Electronica. Just take a look at this videoclip here from Sleepy Town Manufacure, with a song called “O Nei”. (This is Russian and means “about her”, someone has told, not “Oh no”.)
The whole motion is based upon handdrawn characters, but are boosted up with some special computer-generated effects. I am sure you will notice them. Look and vibe are just a little bit like the classic Czech cartoons, that are really missing this days. Man, I’ve grown up on such stuff!
Compilations like this don’t happen overnight. Read an interview with Sutemos about Intelligent Toys, the label and the work behind the curtain.
via Phlow-Magazine