Tidal is a so called “mini language”, designed to live-code strange musical patterns. At the Tumblr 365 Tidal Patterns one code- and sound-example is posted every day. This is something for code and sound gourmets! Read more about Tidal at the TopLap live-code fortress.
d1 $ iter 8 $ slowspread ($) [chop 4, rev, (|+| speed “0.5”) . slow 2, id, trunc 0.25, jux (|+| speed “1.1”), id] $ stack [ within (0.25, 0.75) (every 3 (rev . slow 2 . stut 8 0.4 0.2)) $ whenmod 5 3 (degradeBy 0.6) $ sound (samples “grunt*16″ (run 11)) |+| end “0.05” |+| speed “2”, sound “~ kv*2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~”, sound “~ ~ shard:16 ~”, sound “~ ~ ~ sdeep*4″ |+| speed (whenmod 6 5 ((*0.5) <$>) “5”), sound (samples “~ ~ ~ b/2 ~ b/5 ~ b/3″ (run 328)) |+| cut “3”, density 2 $ sound (samples “{hh*2 ~ [~ dup] [~ dup] ~}%4″ “10”) |+| speed “2”, slow 2 $ trunc 0.5 $ (striate 16 $ sound “fxlong:9″) |+| speed “[0.75 0.5 1]/4″ |+| gain “0.85” ]
Code Example 350 from 365 Tidal Patterns.