One of my favourite artists is Ranjit Bhatnagar aka Moonmilk. This year he participated the second time on the Thing-A-Day project. It is some sort of community-event, where the participants make one thing a day throughout the month. Moonmilk contributed and focused himself once again on music instruments. Just imagine! One music instrument a day! His works are based in the analogue, domain, but he also loves to involve electro-mechanical helpers like motors and stuff like that.
Some highlights from the making I want to show to you.
Day 19 – Garden Grammophon. Poetic!
Day 6 – Buddha Bonk. Electronic Buddha Machine goes physics.
Day 4 – Kelphorn. “Stick” with enormous soundqualities.
In any case visit the website from Ranjit Bhatnagar. He’s got also sound-snippet and videos from the instruments. Anyone may also remember his music playing robot from 2007.