And a big “thank you” to one of the most leading and important netlabels we had, when we talk about ambient and experimental type of music. Autoplate was run from 2001 to 2008 and was a sublabel of the still active Thinner-netlabel. Sven Swift did an interview with Sebastian Redenz on Phlow-Magazine about the development of the label and the reason, why they put it down:
Autoplate was always on a much smaller scale compared to Thinner, the label didn’t organize any live shows and the people never left much feedback. Unsurprisingly though cause there’re indeed many excellent Netlabels releasing ambient and experimental music. So we decided to fade the project out with a final release and to concentrate on Thinner, which just has a bigger audience and potential and thus is more interesting for all of us.
(…) Recently I’ve came along a statement which said that Netlabels gave a new bloom to ambient and experimental music in general. I couldn’t agree more!
They released a fine “closing compilation” (.zip) with the best tracks from the Autoplate-years.
this is sad, i’ve always thought autoplate’s releases was much more varied than thinner’s
Posted on April 25th, 2009 at 12:56imo they’ve ‘discovered’ marsen jules
maybe just easier to run a label on which most of newest downloads requires paying.