Kosmoraum is the name of a special compilation, that is is tribute to the first man-flight into space, done by Yuri Gagarin, almost exactly 50 years ago. Four netlabels and two netaudio-streamingradios joined together for this release. Half of them from Germany, half from Russia. (Netlabels: Zimmer Records, Tonatom, Aventuel, CirclesandLines, Radios: Ambione, Klangboot).
Although this is a trippy electronica release with full length playing time, I would have wished a little more striving for musical uniqueness with the aim of making all time classic netaudio release. My favourite track so far is “Treibstoffmasse” from “Sternenspringer”.
On the other hand I ask myself, why so many netlabels don’t take opportunities like that – to join together with special releases in order to reach a broader audience than doing just simple homework!