
Lawrence Lessigs latest book “Remix” is freely available as a download. I want to suggest this great read especially for people, who are interested in new economies, that are about to come. Lessig speaks of “hybrid” and “parallel” economies, that will embrace free sharing of knowledge, contribution and works, as well as commerce in certain parts. Things I often thought about in the last weeks: some sort of “hybrid economies” as opposed to “gift economies” or “full control commerce”. From the book, page 225:

The simplest but perhaps most important conclusion is that parallel economies are possible. Work successfully licensed in a commercial economy can also be freely available in a sharing economy. If this weren’t true, then there would be no commercial record industry at all: despite the war on file sharing, practically every bit of commercially available music is also available illegally on p2p networks; this “sharing” has not been stanched by either the war against it waged by the recording industry, or the Supreme Court’s declaring the practice illegal.
Yet despite this massive sharing, according to the recording industry’s own statistics, sales of music have declined by 21 percent. If parallel economies were not possible, that 21 percent would be 100 percent.

Also read my review on Gulli (in German).

Blog, Download - Date published: May 3, 2009 | Comments Off

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