This post is dedicated to the category “Colorful Entertainment”. The podcast-show “They Might be Giants” is especially suited for kids, but also I am enjoying it as well. It somehow is reminding me on a renewed version of the “Sesame Street”, with the same sort of… freshness. Lots of music, lots of colors, lost of things to learn.

This might be no new stuff, sorry when I discovered it at least now. Some quick googling did not bring any official website on my screen. But maybe there are some “They Might Be Giants” experts out there?

Blog - Date published: April 9, 2009 | 2 Comments

Breakpoint 2009. This year, like every year. Bingen am Rhein over the Eastern days. Starting this Friday. Man this invitation rocks!

Blog - Date published: April 8, 2009 | Comments Off

ToneMatrix: This pattern makes a perfect ringtone.

Flash-Audio guru Andre Michelle, the very creator of the Hobnox-audiotools, made a new soundtoy! The ToneMatrix is a simple sinewave-synth, that is visually and conceptional similar to the Tenori-On or the Monome.

I just managed to make some great ringtone-like loops, that fitted perfectly into the ambient-music that was playing here. Smoothing and inspiring. Well designed. Definitely worth a try.

Blog - Date published: April 6, 2009 | 8 Comments

Less is more, really.

King is a perfect casual game for download. The design is clear, everything fits and it is quite minimal. You play the “King”, in order to destroy all enemies in your kingdom (I have to guess the story a little bit, because I do not understand Japanese). Well, you are the King!

Most of the levels just have one single-screen and the levels are designed very concise. There are different types of enemies, that have different basic abilities, like jumping or throwing things around. The level of difficulty is increasing, just in the perfect rate. New enemies are introduced, just at the right time. The style of the graphics is as minimal as the overall design – perfect in details. Soundeffects are as well.
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Blog - Date published: April 4, 2009 | 2 Comments

Colorful, energetic and upfront dance-grooves. This is how we like it. The creator of this video said about the clip at YouTube:

“I basically filmed footage off my computer screen with my mobile, sent it back to my mac and then edited the crap out of it. Not bad for a first effort in video editing.”

Indeed, not bad. Found via Twitter of Torley, thanks!!

Blog - Date published: April 4, 2009 | 1 Comment

The GameBoy was released in Japan on the 21. April 1989, so almost exactly twenty years ago. Who had thought, that this “minimal gaming console” would be such a success: limited in hardware, but unleashed in creativity and optimized on portability. And who had thought, that 18 years later they would repeat this success with the Nintendo DS and somehow similar with the Wii? And when we talk about games… Is Wii Sports is the new Tetris?

After the big GameBoy success there was an era, that did not felt really Nintendo. Namely GameCube and early N64. It seems that also lead developer, senior managing director and legend Shigera Miyamoto felt somehow unfamiliar during the “GameCube era”. He said:

“There was an era when Nintendo was going in the direction of doing the same things other companies did. The more we competed with new companies entering the market, the more we started acting similar to them. But is being number one in that competition the same as being number one with the general public? That’s the question we had.”

But let’s do a rewind and take a look at two of the awful advertisements, that Nintendo did at that time on TV to introduce and push the GameBoy.



Blog - Date published: April 4, 2009 | 5 Comments

Blog - Date published: April 3, 2009 | Comments Off

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